On Typescript

February 14, 2025 (Last updated February 15, 2025) - 2 min read


First Principles

  • Let your types be flexible
  • Let your constraints be rigid

TL;DR Rules

  • Use unknown instead of any, then use type narrowing to get the correct type.
  • Use type over interface, unless you actually need to reach for an interface or need to express objects/class inheritance.
  • Avoid using as to assert types, most of the time you actually want to narrow the type with checks (if/else).
  • Use array.at(index) instead of array[index] unless array is a tuple (fixed size array).
  • NEVER use TS specifics (enum, private in constructor, etc.).


  • Use satisfies to check if an object fits a type but not erase the type.
  • Use as const whenever possible. (Immutable data, enum-like objects, etc.)
  • Define (and export) types where they are consumed, and import them from other files if needed.


Narrowing over using as

Suppose you have a function that takes a number

function double(a: number) {
return a * 2;

And you have a variable that could be a number or a string

function getNumberOrString(): number | string {
return Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : "1";
const a: number | string = getNumberOrString();

Typescript will allow you to use as to assert the variable to a number (this is one of the ways that TypeScript is not sound)

const result: number = double(a as number);

But this not correct/sound at runtime!

The correct way to do this is to narrow the type with a check (if/else/early return).

if (typeof a === "number") {
const result = double(a);

Other Notes

February 15, 2025

On Typescript